Guide: How To Make A Porn Site

This method will show you how to make a porn site. Its videos will attract a lot of horny people. You will receive earnings from advertisements, premium memberships and affiliate payments from companies your porn site links to.

The videos on the porn site will be legal, you won’t run into copyright issues and they don’t cost you a single cent! The only costs involved here are for getting a domain name.

Investment needed:$10-$12 for a domain
Working hours:2-3h for setting up the porn site (extra hours for driving traffic to the site)
Earning possibilities:At the beginning between $0.10/day and $10/day
Skills needed:General internet knowledge, affinity for the porn niche
This is the layout of one of my porn sites. I’m going to show you how to create a similar one.

Example of a porn site

One of my porn sites in the “MILF” niche

1. Find A Niche For Your Porn Site

At first, you need to decide for a niche, so you can register an appropriate domain name. The niches you can use for this method are limited. However, there are so many niches available that it’s very likely you enjoy one of them.

The following niches are available:

Porn Niches That Are Possible
Decide for one of those niches!

2. Register a Domain

After you decided for a niche, it’s time to register a domain. The domain needs to give a hint what your porn site is about. It is a good idea to combine your niche keyword with a word that indicates a video site. For example:

You should stay with .com/.net/.org domains, as those tend to be most trusted by internet users. Especially adult sites have an image of being shady. Don’t give your visitors reasons to believe that.

I recommend using NameCheap as the place for registering your domain. The reason is that they are a reliable company and you will get a free Whois-protection. That means no one will find out that you are the owner of an adult site. You may not want your boss or your spouse to find out 😉

Activate WhoisGuard

After registering your domain, you might want to enable the WhoisGuard to protect your personal data. For doing this, click on “Manage Domains”. Now, click on the domain you just registered. In the overview, click on “Use an available subscription to start protecting your personal information now!”

enable whois protection

In the next screen, pick your subscription and check the box next to “Enable WhoisGuard and protect my personal information from public access”. Finally, click on “Allot and Enable WhoisGuard”.

Set Up Your WhoisGuard Subscription
Done. No one will know your real identity from checking the domain. If you like, you can test it yourself by typing in your domain at

3. Register At PimpRoll

You’ve chosen a niche and registered a proper domain name. The next step is to setup a so-called HostedTube, which is a project by the adult affiliate company PimpRoll.

A HostedTube is something like a porn site builder that enables you to easily set up your own porn video site. The videos will be added automatically according to the niche you have chosen. Also, all ads will be displayed automatically and the revenue can be cashed out through your PimpRoll account. The tube is hosted on servers by PimpRoll. Therefore, there is no need to buy web hosting.

How can this be legal? Well, actually you don’t own any rights on the videos. All rights still belong to PimpRoll and its partner companies. The videos stay on their servers. Technically, you are just linking to the videos. They profit from any sales your porn site makes and so do you through the affiliate reward.

To get your own porn site, you first have to create an account at PimpRoll. Give them the info they ask for and please be honest in your application. After they approve your account, what might takes a while, you will be able to log in HostedTube with your PimpRoll login data.

4. Set Up Your Porn Site

In your HostedTube account, click on “Build Your Tube”.

build your porn site
In the next screen, fill out the info that is being asked for. Double-check your domain for spelling errors and make sure to choose the correct niche. Write a short but engaging slogan and choose your niche. You can pick several niches through holding CTRL while clicking. Leave the Tube Type as “Desktop”. Finally, click “Save & Continue”.

I’ve put in some random data as example for you. Please write a better slogan 😀

Screenshot of the initial settings
In the next step, they want you to choose a color scheme and fonts for your porn site. Choose what you think your target audience will like most and what fits best to your niche. Click “Save & Continue”.

After choosing a theme, you can design the index page of your homepage. Choose the sidebar to be either right or left. The header option can stay at the default value.

Configure the porn site index page
Under “customize your layout” you can arrange different blocks of content per drag and drop. This changes how the index page of your porn site will look like. I have my preferred layout, but this might not necessarily be the best for your target audience. Don’t worry about making a wrong decision. If you are not satisfied with the layout, you can change it later easily. Click “Save & Continue”.

customize the layout
In the next step, you will be able to create a logo for your porn tube. Fortunately, there is a preview of how it will look like. You can change the text, font size, colors and add a symbol. Try some options until you are satisfied with the logo. You can change it later again, if it doesn’t look well on the finished porn site. Click “Save & Continue”.

The main set up is nearly finished! Time to direct your domain to your tube. Note the lines under “Your DNS Info”.

Note the nameservers

Log in your NameCheap account and choose “Manage Domains”. Click on your domain and choose “Transfer DNS to Webhost”.

Transfer DNS to Webhost
Choose “Specify Custom DNS Servers” and put in the DNS info you noted from HostedTube. One per line! Save the changes.

The correct namecheap dns setup
It can take up to 24h until your porn site is accessible through your domain name, but you haven’t even published it yet anyway. You can use the time perfectly to use the advanced editor for fine tuning your site.

Use the Advanced Editor

If you have time, you should definitely spend it on fine tuning your porn tube.

Use the advanced editor for your porn site
Under “Site Details” in the Advanced Editor you can add a Twitter account. If you want to create one for your website, do so and add it in the field.

Design & Layout

“Content Blocks”, “Color Scheme”, “Logo Creator”, “Fonts” have already been set up by you.

“Page Background” enables you to upload an own image as background, but I recommend staying with the theme as it is.

The “Favorite Icon”, better known as Favicon, is a tiny picture that is displayed by most internet browsers. For example, the ProfitArmy Favicon is a small helmet. You can add one for your porn site here.

“Navigation” enables you to change the look of your porn site’s navigation. This will have minor effects only. Choose what you prefer!

At “Player Page” you can choose the banner that will be displayed under your videos. It will encourage users to become a premium member of your porn site. Choose one that fits to your sites’ theme!

The options for “Ad Zones” have been disabled, as the best setup is done for you automatically.

With the option “Premium” you can customize your premium landing page. I always leave this option at “Direct Join”.


“Videos & Updates” allows you to edit the video length and how many new updates there should be added each day. I can’t think of any reason for not putting it at maximum value. Limiting it may increases premium membership sells, but it is also frustrating for the users. I want my users to come back whenever they are horny, as I believe this to be more profitable in the long run.

“Thumbs” – here you can edit the layout of the thumbnails which are showing a preview of your video. I always leave the settings at default.

SEO & Analytics

“Page Copy”, give your site some descriptions for SEO reasons. This will take you a while, but it can also bring in extra traffic from the search engines. You can add some keywords related to your niche to your descriptions. I’ve written about how to find adult keywords with Google’s Keyword Planner in the past.

At “Niche Copy” you can write different descriptions for the niches you selected.

“Analytics” enables you to add your porn site to Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools. You should track the amount of traffic with Google Analytics. Create a new property in your Analytics account and put in the ID in the corresponding field (labelled “Google Analytics ID”).

At “URL Slugs” you can edit a part of your URL. Choose your keyword or something else that is niche related. Keep it short.

At “Hard Links” you can add your own URLs. Maybe you plan create other adult websites later and then you could interlink between your projects.

5. Preview and Publish your Porn Site

After you filled out all fields it’s time to preview your site. For doing this, just click “Preview”. I hope you like it! If you are satisfied just hit the “Publish” button. If you don’t like something, just go back to the editor and change it. After publishing, it can still take some hours for your site to finally be available at your domain name.

Preview and then publish your porn site

6. Drive Traffic to your Porn Site

Congratulations! Your site is live. Great feeling, isn’t it? But what is a porn site without people watching porn on it?

You can drive traffic to your porn site with my other adult methods:

Drive Traffic to your Adult Website on Autopilot

Build an Adult Autoblog and receive Social Media Traffic

Always keep in mind: you are satisfying people’s jack off needs while making money. It’s a win-win situation 😉

Let me know what you think in the comments.


  1. Z June 22, 2014
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