How To Create A Landing Page In WordPress

Landing pages are an awesome way to sell or promote something to your audience. There are many paid services for creating landing pages in WordPress. However, I’m showing you how can do the same for free, either with or without using PlugIns.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a website or part of a website which is optimized to promote a certain product or service to the target audience without any distractions.

Right now you are reading a blog. I have different articles and categories for you to choose from. A landing page would just be one page around a rather narrow topic on which I would want my visitors to do something, e.g. to purchase a product or to sign up for my email list.

Landing pages need to be easily understandable and have a clear focus, as visitors coming from PPC campaigns or search engines might only spend a short amount of time before leaving. Landing pages usually include a call to action; that is, a short instruction on what the visitors should do, e.g. “Sign up now”, “Add to cart.” etc.

The general goal of landing pages is to convert visitors into customers. Most internet marketers don’t create a landing page and leave like it that forever, instead, they’ll engage in a process of continuous optimization to create a landing page with the highest possible conversion rates. A way to do that is by conducting split testing, which I will be explain you in detail in another post.

How to create a landing page in WordPress with PlugIns

First, I’m showing how to create landing pages using free WordPress PlugIns.

1. Install the PlugIn WordPress Landing Pages

Install and activate the plugin WordPress Landing Pages.

Install the PlugIn WordPress Landing Pages

Activate WordPress Landing Pages

2. Add a new landing page

After installing, the plugin will have created a link in your admin sidebar. Click on it and press “Add new”.

Add a new landing page

3. Choose a landing page template

Pick one of the landing page templates WordPress Landing Pages offers.

Overview of landing page templates

4. Name your landing page and create it

Give your landing page a name. Your visitors won’t be seeing that, it’s only for administration purposes. Press “Create Landing Page”.

Create the landing page in WordPress

5. Customize the landing page

Give your landing page a headline, publish it and then edit its content by clicking “Launch Visual Editor”.

Give your landing page a headline, publish it and launch the Visual EditorUse the visual editor to customize your landing page. Under “Marketing” you can add forms to the landing page or change the settings. Sometimes the plugin is a bit buggy here. Keep trying and it will work at some point.

The final landing page

Other WordPress landing pages plugins

I want to show you other free WordPress landing page plugins. Don’t worry about the setup. They all work in a very similar way.

How to create a landing page in WordPress without PlugIns

Now, I will be showing how you can create a landing page without any plugins. I’ll use a fresh WordPress installation and provide code when necessary.

Please note that there is the danger of writing wrong code and, therefore, to stop your site from working correctly. I recommend this way of creating landing pages to advanced users only. In any case, you may want to do a backup before following the next steps.

The general way I’m about to show you will work for all themes out there, although the parts of code that need to be edited will vary.

1. Create a new page in WordPress

Create a new page in WordPress

2. Give the page a title and publish it

Give the page a title and publish it

3. Navigate to the page and check its layout

This is how an empty page looks like on a fresh WordPress installation.

Layout of empty WordPress page
If you are having a website with more content on it, you’ll probably have categories, a navigation, breadcrumbs, widgets etc. However, this stuff needs to be removed for the landing page or otherwise we might distract our visitors from following our call to action.

4. Find the page ID

All elements that distract from the purpose of our landing page need to be removed. It’s important to not do this on every page of our website (imagine a website without navigation!) but only on our landing page. Therefore, we need to find the page ID to make sure we are making changes only to this specific page.

If you are using the default permalink structure, you will see the number, e.g., where 123 would be the page ID. A site structured with numbers like that is terrible for SEO, so I hope you have the post name or another structure with text in it.

To find out the page ID in this case, you can simply click on „Get Shortlink“ under your the title of your page and you’ll see the page ID.

Find the page ID in WordPress
Find the page ID in WordPress - Part 2In my example, the page ID is number 6.

5. Find the CSS class or ID of the elements that need to be removed

Use a tool that allows you to inspect the elements of a site. I’m using Firebug for Firefox. Use a tool like this and click on the elements that need to be removed.

In my case, I want to get rid of the header, the sidebar and the footer to have a clean landing page. I inspect the header with Firebug by choosing the inspecting tool and then by clicking on the header.

Inspect the site's element using Firebug

Now, Firebug displays the HTML and CSS code of the header.

Get the HTML and CSS code with Firebug

I note that the class of my header is “.header-main”. Now, I’m repeating these steps for all other elements I want to remove. The ID for my sidebar is “#secondary” and the class for my footer is “.site-info”. This will be different for each theme, so you need to find what the classes or IDs are called in your theme.

6. Stop the elements from displaying on your landing page

The final step is to stop these elements from being displayed on your landing page. You have to write some code into your CSS file. In most cases, you will find it in WordPress at Appearance > Editor > style.css.

The general template for removing the elements looks like this (my comments are in round brackets). the page ID here) (CSS class or ID here) { display: none; }

In my case, to remove the three elements I want to get rid of (header, sidebar, footer), the code I need looks like this:  .header-main { display: none; }  #secondary { display: none; }  .site-info { display: none; }

I write this into the style.css file of WordPress and press “Update File”.

Update your style.css in WordPress
All the distracting elements are gone! I can now write on the landing page in WordPress like I would do it with any other page. The final landing page will of course have the same fonts and colors as the rest of your website, as we did not change them in CSS. You could do that with the same code above applied to colors and fonts though.

The finished landing page created without PlugIns

Optimize your landing page

Learn how to set up free A/B split testing campaigns to test how different call to actions, buttons, colors etc. affect your conversion rate.

Do you plan to create landing pages in WordPress? Let me know in the comments.

4 thoughts on “How To Create A Landing Page In WordPress”

  1. I don’t have a plan for it, right now, but it is great info, well explained, too.

    First landing page I made I spent days, to adapt and make it how I wanted. If I had this tutorial, it would have been easier.

    • Hi Pradeep,

      are you trying this on a blog? It won’t work there. Otherwise please check if you have the latest WordPress version installed. Also, try to delete and reinstall the plugin. Let me know if that helped!

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